Torquay Academy

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Curriculum Overview

The main Torquay Academy curriculum is divided into three key stages:

  • Key Stage 3: Years 7 and 8 where students study a broad curriculum of subjects that will give them a foundation of knowledge and skills before they progress into key stage 4.
  • Key Stage 4: Years 9, 10 and 11 where students study the subjects they have opted for at GCSE in addition to the core subjects.
  • Key Stage 5: Years 12 and 13 (6th Form) where students will study three A level and/or vocational subjects.


We operate a two-week timetable: ‘Week A and Week B’. In Years 7 and 8, students will have a certain number of 100-minute lessons per fortnight in each subject. It is a good idea to display your child’s timetable at home and colour the days when they need their PE kit. The lessons will be different in each of the two weeks. The table shows the number of lessons students will have over the two weeks.

Teaching Groups

Students are taught in different groups to their tutor groups and these are based on academic ability in some subjects. This is done to ensure that students can learn at a pace that suits their own needs. It is common for students to move between sets after each of the four teaching and learning cycles.

The table below shows the number of 100-minute lessons students will have over their two-week timetable. In addition, they will have a 55-minute Period 1 each day with their tutor.

Subject Year 7 Year 8
English 6 6
Mathematics 6 6
Science 4 4
History 2 2
Geography 2 2
RE 1 1
French or Spanish 3 2
Art 1 1
Music 1 1
Drama 0 1
Technology 2 2
Core PE 2 2
Total 30 30



During Years 7 and 8, you will all study the same subjects. In Years 9, 10 and 11 there is the opportunity for you to follow a more individual course of study leading to a number of qualifications. 

You will study 10 GCSEs in total. You will all study GCSEs in Maths, English Language, English Literature, Science, Statistics and Religious Studies. You then have the option of choosing 3 other subjects. Everyone also has a core PE lesson each week, and you will continue to have PSHE drop-down days throughout the year. This is summarised below.

Subject Key Stage 4
English 6
Mathematics 6
Science 6
RE 1
PE 2
Option 1 3
Option 2 3
Option 3 3
Total 30

CORE SUBJECTS (All students will study these)


KS4-Core-Subjects (ID 1098)


CHOICE 1: EBACC SUBJECTS (Choose one subject)


KS4-EBACC-Subjects (ID 1100)


CHOICE 2: FREE CHOICE (Choose two subjects)


KS4-Free-Choice-Subjects (ID 1101)



In Sixth Form, we encourage all students to aspire to the highest levels of achievement to enable them to prepare for their future. Students will study three A level and/or vocational subjects. We offer the following subjects at Sixth Form:

Sixth-form-Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1099)