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Product Design

Subject Leader: Mr Hadley -


  • Product Design is all about creating new three-dimensional products through a process of idea generation, development, hands-on making and evaluation. 
  • Product designers have an understanding of the relationship between art, science and technology, and have the ability to exploit each of these things in different ways to create new products. 
  • Good design is the backbone of our everyday lives. On the course, you will undertake a series of short design and make projects that will develop a broad range of skills working with wood, metal, plastics and smart materials. Themes for projects include lighting, furniture and consumer electronics.


Our curriculum mountains show the content of the curriculum for each Teaching & Learning quarter for each academic year.  To find out more about the curriculum, please contact the Subject Leader.



Using creativity and imagination, students design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. This includes bug boxes, block bots, air powered rocket cars, structures and photo frames. In doing this, students acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Students learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.


Course Title: GCSE Design & Technology - Product Design

Examining Body: EDUQAS

Course Lead: Mr Hadley

What will I study?

  • Box project - learning different ways to join timber products
  • Clocks - design and make a clock based upon a chosen design movement
  • Concrete cast tea light holders - art deco inspired design and make project
  • Designer maker - project linked to an Enterprise Challenge with Business students
  • Bird box - design and make a product to meet the needs of a specific user
  • Product disassembly - learn through doing by taking apart old products and analysing how and why they have been made
  • Metal work - learning techniques to fabricate metal products
  • LED mood light - basic electronics and CAD/CAM using a laser cutter, 3D printer and vinyl cutter
  • Major Project - a 40 hour project to research, design, make and evaluate a prototype product

How and when will I be assessed?

  • One 2 hour exam (50%)
  • One 40 hour controlled assessment (coursework completed from 1st June in Y10 until 1st March in Y11) (50%)

Further study

Leads on to A Level Product Design.


Course Title: A Level Design & Technology - Product Design

Examining Body: EDUQAS

Course Lead: Mr Hadley

Course description

Product design is all about creating new three-dimensional products through a process of idea generation, development, hands-on making and evaluation. Product designers have an understanding of the relationship between art, science and technology, and have the ability to exploit each of these things in different ways to create new products.

Good design is the backbone of our everyday lives. Product innovations can radically alter the way we are able to carry out simple daily tasks. On a higher level, new designs can change the way we interact with the environment, influence our social experiences or even save lives. A career in product design offers you an opportunity to make a real impact.

What will I learn?

You will undertake a series of short design and make projects that will develop a broad range of skills working with wood, metal, plastics and smart materials.

Themes for projects include lighting, furniture and consumer electronics. You will enhance your ability to design though sketching, modelling and prototyping including ise of Computer Aided Design and 3D printing. When developing your making skills, you will be trained to use of broad range of tools and equipment.

Course structure

Component 1: Design & Technology in the 21st Century

Written examination: 3 hours (50% of qualification)

A mix of structured and extended writing questions assessing knowledge and understanding of technical principles, designing and making principles along with ability to analyse and evaluate design decisions and wider issues in design and technology.

Component 2: Design and make project

Non-exam assessment: 80 hours (50% of qualification) 

A sustained design & make project, assessing ability to identify, investigate and outline design possibilities design and make prototypes analyse evaluate design decisions and wider issues in design and technology.

Where could it lead?

Product design is great for those who enjoy thinking creatively and problem solving. The skills developed on the course can be applied to a broad range of future careers in design, technology and engineering sectors. This includes architecture, construction, interior design, furniture design, product management, illustration, animation, graphic design and fashion.


Top 5 UK universities to study Product Design:

  • Brunel
  • Falmouth
  • Loughborough
  • Imperial College
  • Exeter


If you would like to discuss careers in this subject area, please visit our AI careers advisor by clicking the image below:

If you enjoy studying Product Design you should consider the following careers:

Creative Director - Steer design teams as they create products for a variety of consumer groups. Average salary £45-85,000

Aerospace Engineer - Design, develop and maintain flying vessels that venture beyond our planet. Average salary £45-70,000

Architect - Design buildings for a variety of clients including residential, commercial and recreational. Average salary £55-95,000


Be part of the Tenner Challenge (exact title to be confirmed depending on new Y9 Business Curriculum) and Greenpower Team (alongside Automotive Engineering students).