Torquay Academy

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Key Stage 4 Options


During Years 7 and 8, you will all study the same subjects. In Years 9, 10 and 11 there is the opportunity for you to follow a more individual course of study leading to a number of qualifications.

You will study 10 GCSEs in total. You will all study GCSEs in Maths, English Language, English Literature, Science, Statistics and Religious Studies. You then have the option of choosing 3 other subjects. Everyone also has a core PE lesson each week, and you will continue to have PSHE drop-down days throughout the year. This is summarised below.

CORE SUBJECTS (All students will study these)


KS4-Core-Subjects (ID 1098)

CHOICE 1: EBACC SUBJECTS (Choose one subject)


KS4-EBACC-Subjects (ID 1100)

CHOICE 2: FREE CHOICE (Choose two subjects)


KS4-Free-Choice-Subjects (ID 1101)