Just as they will when they attend interviews for their top jobs in the future, it is important that our students take pride in themselves and their appearance. Having the correct uniform is so important, and this includes wearing it appropriately on their way to, and from, school. Uniform provides a sense of equality, so if a student arrives in the incorrect uniform, this wouldn’t be fair on everyone else. We aim to rectify uniform problems immediately by contacting parents/carers who may be able to bring in the correct clothing. Students are able to borrow an item of clothing, such as a tie or school shoes, so they can attend their lessons. If the uniform issue cannot be resolved the students would not be able to attend lessons until resolved.
The uniform has been designed so that all items can be bought locally:
The official stockist of the Academy uniform is: Riviera Schooldays, 186 Union Street, Torquay, TQ2 5QP (01803 293650).
The official stockist of the Academy sports kit is: VX3, Arena House, Kemmings Close, Paignton, TQ4 7TW (01803 524623).
Second hand uniform shop located at the Torquay Academy reception.
All students attending Torquay Academy must be in full uniform.
Boys' Compulsory Uniform
The following items must be bought from Riviera Schooldays:
- Grey blazer embroidered with Academy logo
- Black tailored shorts embroidered with Academy logo (optional item)
- School tie in house colour worn traditionally and full length
The following items can be bought from other outlets but must conform to Academy requirements:
- Plain collared white shirt (top button fastened, shirt tucked in)
- Plain black trousers of traditional design & material (no jeans, chinos or skinny trousers or external stitching on the back pockets)
- Plain black ankle socks
- Plain black school shoes of traditional design (see below for further information)
Shoe Guide for Boys (Not Exhaustive)
Shoes must be of a traditional shoe design. Many shops sell items in their school shoe section that are not allowed to be worn at Torquay Academy as we deem them to be trainers, for example:
- Any shoes made by Adidas, Lonsdale, Vans etc
- Shoes with a logo / brand name
- Training style shoes
- Boots
- Suede or canvas shoes
The following images will give you an idea of what is acceptable and unacceptable for boys.

Boots of any type; canvas and suede are not acceptable.
Trainer-style shoes made by Adidas, Lonsdale, Vans etc are not acceptable.
Girls' Compulsory Uniform
The following items must be bought from Riviera Schooldays:
- Grey blazer embroidered with Academy logo
- Pleated black skirt - one style only
- School tie in house colour worn traditionally and full length
The following items can be bought from other outlets but must conform to Academy requirements:
Plain collared white shirt (top button fastened, shirt tucked in)
- Plain black trousers of traditional design & material (no jeans, chinos, leggings or skinny trousers or external stitching on the back pockets)
- Plain black ankle or knee length socks or plain black tights
- Plain black school shoes of traditional design (see below for further information)
Shoe Guide for Girls (Not Exhaustive)
Shoes must be of a traditional shoe design. Many shops sell items in their school shoe section that are not allowed to be worn at Torquay Academy as we deem them to be trainers, for example:
- Any shoes made by Adidas, Lonsdale, Vans etc
- Shoes with a logo / brand name
- Training style shoes
- Boots
- Suede or canvas shoes
The following images will give you an idea of what is acceptable and unacceptable for girls.
Boots of any type; canvas and suede are not acceptable.
Trainer-style shoes made by Adidas, Lonsdale, Vans etc are not acceptable.
Other Uniform
Extremes of fashion, jewellery and make-up are NOT acceptable. These include hairstyles (hair must be a natural colour and not of an extreme style) and items of clothing that do not conform to uniform standards. Facial hair is not permitted in Years 7-11.
Jewellery – Students can have stud earrings in the ears and a single plain stud in the nose (no hoop earrings or nose rings). No other piercings are allowed. Students are strongly advised not to wear expensive items.
The Academy may be able to assist in cases of exceptional hardship in buying the Uniform. Please contact the school to request a uniform grant form. Any uniform items must be provided by Riviera School days as official supplier, to be obtained by voucher, agreed by and collected from the School before purchase.
Sports Kit
Boys' Compulsory Sports Kit
We expect all students to bring their sports kit to every lesson. If you request for your child to be excused from physical participation due to injury or illness, they will still be expected to bring their full kit so that they can still take part in some other suitable role; such as coach, umpire, referee, choreographer, organiser, assistant or scorer. We understand that with some injuries or illnesses, this is not always practicable, and in this instance, we would not expect your child to get changed into their sports kit.
If you request for your child to be excused from physical participation, please can you email Mr Jones in advance of your child’s lesson: djones@TQacademy.co.uk and a professional judgment will be made by their teacher as to what role they can undertake in the lesson.
For students who forget their sports kit, we have a stock of kit which we lend them for the lesson so that they can still participate fully.
The school's sports kit is available only from VX3 and can be ordered via this link:
Apart from the compulsory items there will be optional items available too.
- VX3 House T-shirt for indoor use. Available in the 8 colours representing houses.
- VX3 boys shorts
- VX3 quarter zip top embroidered with the TA logo
- VX3 playing socks
- White ankle socks
- Football boots with moulded or screw-in studs
- Shin pads and mouth guard
- Trainers for indoor and outdoor use
When you order kit from VX3, you will have the option for collection or delivery:
- Collection - if you choose this option, the items will be available to be collected from VX3. There will be no charge.
- Delivery - if you choose this option, you will be charged for delivery and it will be posted to your home address.
Girls' Compulsory Sports Kit
We expect all students to bring their sports kit to every lesson. If you request for your child to be excused from physical participation due to injury or illness, they will still be expected to bring their full kit so that they can still take part in some other suitable role; such as coach, umpire, referee, choreographer, organiser, assistant or scorer. We understand that with some injuries or illnesses, this is not always practicable, and in this instance, we would not expect your child to get changed into their sports kit.
If you request for your child to be excused from physical participation, please can you email Mr Jones in advance of your child’s lesson: djones@TQacademy.co.uk and a professional judgment will be made by their teacher as to what role they can undertake in the lesson.
For students who forget their sports kit, we have a stock of kit which we lend them for the lesson so that they can still participate fully.
The school's sports kit is available only from VX3 and can be ordered via this link:
Apart from the compulsory items there will be optional items available too.
- VX3 House T-shirt for indoor use. Available in the above 8 colours representing houses.
- A choice of one of the following: VX3 skort, VX3 girls shorts, VX3 short leggings or VX3 full length leggings
- VX3 quarter zip top embroidered with the TA logo
- VX3 playing socks
- White ankle socks
- Shin pads and mouth guard for indoor and outdoor use
- Trainers for indoor and outdoor use
When you order kit from VX3, you will have the option for collection or delivery:
- Collection - if you choose this option, the items will be available to be collected from VX3. There will be no charge.
- Delivery - if you choose this option, you will be charged for delivery and it will be posted to your home address.