Torquay Academy

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Teaching & Learning Cycles

The school year is divided into four teaching and learning cycles; each nine weeks in length. This enables departments to plan defined schemes of work to ensure students make good progress. All students in a year group cover the content of the topic(s) in a cycle at a pace that is appropriate for them.

Week of the Cycle Description
Weeks 1 - 7 Students learn new subject content. Within these seven weeks, mid-cycle assessments will be undertaken by the students for teachers to see how students are doing.
Week 8 Assessment Week. During this week, students sit an assessment in their subjects. These assessments are generally multiple-choice and enable teachers to identify what students have learned, and what areas students have been less confident with.
Week 9 ‘Super Teaching Week’. During this week, teachers re-teach areas that students struggled with in the assessment, and provide extension work for students who achieved a good level of knowledge.


Assessment Week Dates 2024-25

You will receive an individual timetable showing the dates and times of your child’s assessments for each cycle. The following weeks are the assessment weeks in 2024/25:

Cycle Assessment Week
Cycle 1 11th - 15th November
Cycle 2 27th - 31st January
Cycle 3 21st - 25th April
Cycle 4 30th June - 4th July