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Special Educational Needs

SENDCo: Mrs E Jukes (

At Torquay Academy we believe that every one of our students can succeed and our SEND Policy supports this vision. Torquay Academy is committed to the belief that all our students regardless of need and different learning requirements have the right to the best possible learning experience and that all students are valued equally.

At Torquay Academy we will:

  • identify through appropriate assessment those students with special educational needs at each stage;
  • ensure that all staff know which students have special educational needs;
  • ensure that all students have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum and a range of educational opportunities;
  • ensure that all students receive an education appropriate to their age, aptitude and ability;
  • ensure that SEND provision in the Academy is effective in meeting the needs of students with SEND;
  • ensure that every effort is made to allow all students with SEND to experience educational success and to feel that they are a valued member of Torquay Academy;
  • ensure that all students enjoy equality of educational opportunity through the planning, organisation and implementation of an appropriately modified curriculum;
  • monitor and review the progress of students identified as having SEND.

Please click on the following documents for further information:

SEND Policy


Torbay’s Local Offer

Torbay Family Hub

The Torquay Academy SEN Information Report

Accessibility Plan

Note: Action Plan updated November 2024.  New objectives to be agreed in January 2025.