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Remote Learning

To support students with their home learning, we have invested in a variety of online platforms to enhance independent study. Below, you will find important information and links to these resources. All students have been given their log-in details for the appropriate platforms.


Sparx Maths

Sparx Maths is an online revision and homework platform specifically designed to support students with Maths. They are able to access videos, questions and quizzes to support their maths learning. All students have access to Sparx Maths.

Students logon on using their username and password, or sign in with Google.



Tassomai is an online platform that repeatedly asks multiple choice questions to students to test their knowledge retrieval in many of their subjects. Each cycle’s questions are directly related to our end of cycle assessments and are an important revision tool. Students gain immediate feedback on whether they answered the question correctly. Tassomai will learn the strengths and weaknesses of the student in each subject, asking the more difficult questions on a more regular basis.

Students logon on using their Torquay Academy email address and password.


Sparx Reader

Sparx Reader helps every student to achieve regular independent reading, which is incredibly important for building vital literacy skills.

Students can choose from a range of ebooks at their appropriate level and as they read, they’ll answer questions to check they’re reading carefully. As they read, they answer questions and earn Sparx Reader Points (SRP) for reading carefully. These points will complete their homework task.

Motivated readers who demonstrate consistent, careful reading can unlock Gold Reader. This means they can read any paper book from the library or from home by scanning in its barcode.

Students log in on using the one click Google link.


Google Classroom


In the event of school closures or restrictions on attendance, where school access for pupils is restricted, lessons will be uploaded by our teachers to support their learning in their workbooks.  Lessons are uploaded by our teachers for all subjects and students can access them from their Google Classroom account. Students can also access their ambition sheets and knowledge expert sheets from their Google Classroom and/or student portal.


Written Homework

Students have one book per cycle to complete their subject specific written homework. There will be a range of reading and writing activities that are aimed at improving their literacy skills at the same time as building their knowledge of each subject area. We feel that completing written homework alongside online homework is particularly important in developing study habits that will stand them in good stead as they progress through their academic career.


Revision Mastery Homework

Each Wednesday, your child will complete a 30-minute revision mastery homework, contained within their Revision Mastery book. The purpose of this book is to teach your child how to revise. This is a process that we start at the beginning of Year 7 and will continue to support your child in preparing for their end of cycle assessments, GCSEs and A-levels. Over the course of this year, your child will learn how to revise using the following methods:

  • Read, cover, write, check
  • Mind maps
  • Flashcards

The ability to revise effectively is probably the most important skill we can teach your child and it is vital that they complete these revision tasks to the very best of their ability.


School closures or restrictions on attendance

Having a remote education plan does not change the imperative for Torquay Academy to remain open or to reopen as soon as possible. We have always prioritised being open to ensure our students can be taught in person by attending our school.

There may be some exceptional occasions when Mr Margetts, the government or the local authority decide it is not possible to open safely, or where opening would contradict guidance from local or central government. If restricting attendance for pupils is the only viable option, we will provide remote education to help students stay on track with the education they would normally receive.

Whilst a significant number of our students were able to attend school during COVID, the school did develop remote education plans that have worked well for us when attendance in school was not possible. 

When developing our remote education approach we considered the following points:

  • Provision being ready for pupils to access as soon as reasonably practicable, though in proportion to the length of absence and expected disruption to education.
  • Providing remote education that is equivalent in length to the core teaching time pupils would receive in school where possible, being mindful of the individual needs and circumstances of the pupil and their families. These include, but are not limited to:
    • Consideration of age and independent study skills.
    • Any SEND or other additional needs the pupils might have.
    • The pupils’ home environment, which includes having a suitable place and opportunity to study.
    • Screen time, making reasonable allowances for adequate breaks for pupils and staff during digital remote education.
    • Any significant demands on parents’ or carers’ help or support. Younger children, especially pupils in primary schools and some children with SEND, might require high levels of adult involvement to support their engagement with remote education, which can make it a particular challenge for these groups.
  • Working to overcome barriers to digital access where possible for pupils by, for example:
    • Auditing access to devices and connectivity across the school as part of wider emergency planning.
    • Distributing school-owned devices accompanied by a user agreement or contract if and where necessary and possible.
    • Supporting families to find appropriate internet connectivity solutions if and where necessary and possible.
    • If required, ensuring equal access through the provision of printed resources, supplemented with other appropriate forms of communication between the school and pupils.
  • Planning opportunities for regular feedback and interaction with teachers and peers during the school day.
  • Having a senior leader with overarching responsibility for the quality and delivery of remote education. 
  • Having an understanding that children can be at risk of harm inside and outside of the school, inside and outside of home and online, and having systems for checking, daily, whether pupils are safe at home and engaging with their remote education.