Torquay Academy

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Quality Assurance & Measuring Impact on Pupils

Quality assurance

We believe that rigorous quality assurance is on-going and that it involves a range of stakeholders. We also believe that it should be underpinned by an externally accredited framework. The Academy will quality assure its provision in the following ways:

  • An annual review of careers provision and impact that is reported to governors
  • Feedback from parents, pupils and staff regarding both provision and impact
  • Governor evaluation visits
  • Termly evaluation by our Enterprise Co-ordinator

The external framework that we have elected to use to quality assure our provision is The Quality in Careers Standard. This is a national framework that assesses schools against the Gatsby Benchmarks and that formally accredits their delivery. It is carried out by independent assessors. The review process, once complete, leads to an award. This is then reviewed every three years.

Measuring impact on students

  • We will measure the impact of our careers provision on students by engaging with them to review events, guidance and visits.
  • Since the aim of our careers provision is to ensure that all students are able to transition to the next stage of employment, education or training, the percentage of students not in education, employment or training (NEET) at the end of KS4 & KS5 will also be used to demonstrate impact.