Torquay Academy

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Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium

Pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils.

At Torquay Academy:

  • We believe in the capacity of every pupil to achieve at the highest levels   
  • We do not believe that social or financial disadvantage should ever be an obstacle to a young person’s life chances   
  • We use every funding source and educational strategy at our disposal to remove barriers to success for our pupils   
  • We encourage every pupil to believe in themselves and their potential to achieve   
  • We support every pupil to take pride in their achievements and to always aspire to achieve even more 

The Academy aims to use this funding to create a positive impact on the academic achievement and progress of students entitled to it. This includes literacy interventions, evening school classes, the study centre, a breakfast club, music tuition, maths and science intervention, financial support for trips, Thrive intervention, safeguarding support and tackling persistent absence. The relative cost and impact of these interventions are shown in the Pupil Premium – Allocation, Spend and Impact document.

We use detailed analyses to look at the progress of pupil premium students compared with non-pupil premium students within the Academy and nationally. This helps us identify areas of strength and where we should target resources for individuals or groups of students.

Middle leaders and teachers target different groups for a wide range of bespoke interventions. This is supported with mentoring that is delivered by staff and other students.
Staff have a strong moral commitment to improving opportunities for students from disadvantaged backgrounds and a strong belief in what they can achieve. There is a dedicated Senior Leadership Team Champion and Governor Champion for Pupil Premium students.

TA’s Challenge Partner review identified our work in pupil premium as an area of national excellence: “With the academy’s uncompromising drive to improve further, outcomes for disadvantaged students are set to improve year on year. The Principal has plans to recruit even more staff so that pupil premium students will receive enhanced support, almost on an individual basis, that will ensure they make better progress, boosting their life chances even further.”


Our Pupil Premium Strategy can be found below:

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement