Torquay Academy

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In Year Admissions

Transfers between secondary schools are, in the main, coordinated by the Local Authority of the area within which you are transferring or that you are moving into.

The transfer application process is coordinated by the School Admissions team at Torbay Council. More information and the application form is available on their web page: Changing or moving schools – Torbay Council.


Waiting Lists and Appeals
This information is relevant for both Primary to Secondary and in-year transfers.

If we are oversubscribed in a year group and we cannot offer a place upon receipt of an application, we keep a waiting list of children who would like to attend the Academy. Any vacancies that arise due to students leaving the school, or deciding not to take a place offered, are filled from the top of the waiting list. The order of priority for our waiting lists can be found in our Admissions Policy, which is published on the Admissions page of our website and can be viewed by clicking here.

If we cannot offer a place, there is an appeal process for parents or carers of children on the waiting list to follow, should they wish to. Appeals for school places are arranged by the Governance Support team at Torbay Council and are heard by an independent panel. Details of the appeals process can be found on Torbay Council’s website via the following link: Appeal against a school place decision – Torbay Council.

For more information about School Admission arrangements please visit the following page: School admission arrangements – Torbay Council.

Admissions 2024-25