Torquay Academy

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We operate a house system consisting of eight houses named after famous former residents of Torquay. The house system encourages students to develop significant emotional involvement, make a greater behavioural effort, and engage with all aspects of school life due to the sense of belonging the structure provides.


Throughout the year, students have the opportunities to participate in a series of house activities and competitions including: Battle of the Brains, The Great TA Bake Off, TA’s Got Talent, Blockbusters, Countdown, quizzes and sporting events. Additionally, students are awarded daily house points for homework, classwork and positive behaviour. House affiliation is instantly distinguishable by the colours displayed on the students’ ties, PE kits and badges.


Each house has a designated local charity and students are extremely committed to fundraising activities. When joining Torquay Academy, students are assigned to one of the following houses:


Houses (ID 1061)