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We cannot stress how important it is that you check your child’s homework. Not only does this ensure they have completed their homework, it reinforces their view of how important you view their homework and how it is supporting their progress. If we can support you and your child in completing their homework, please get in contact with our year group team via email, or by calling the school. There is more information about the support we can offer at the end of this section.


The purpose of all of our homework is to support students with their revision as they work towards their end of cycle assessments. Students will be issued with a homework timetable in September.


To support your child in meeting their online homework deadlines, we have an on-track deadline the day before the final deadline. If a student fails to meet the on-track deadline, they will be asked to attend a catch-up session at break where they will be supported by our staff. If they fail to reach the on-track deadline by the end of Break 2, they must attend a catch-up session with their year team after school. Below you will find more detail about each of the different types of homework students need to complete each week.


We understand that sometimes students struggle with their homework and need support or help so they can be successful. We don’t want any of our students to get upset with homework completion and want to instil them with confidence. With this in mind, we offer the following times where students can get support:

Timings Description
Before school Students who choose to arrive before 8.00am can sit in a quiet classroom to do the homework.
Break 1 and 2 Homework support sessions for students who need help. On Mondays and Tuesdays these support sessions are focused on Sparx Maths. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, these support sessions are focused on Tassomai and Sparx Reader. On Fridays, these support sessions are focused on Sparx Reader. These support sessions allow students to meet their deadlines.
After school Homework club runs every night from 3.15pm to 4.15pm with the support of a Teaching Assistant. This session is conducted in silence to help students focus.
After school (Wednesday) This is a session that students will be invited to if they are struggling to meet their Sparx deadlines.


The following is a summary of the on-track deadline and deadline for the online homework.

Written Homework

In year 7 and 8, students have one written homework book that is organised by the weeks of the cycle. There is a range of reading and writing activities that are aimed at improving their literacy skills at the same time as building their knowledge of each subject area. This written homework book will be checked during P1 every Monday morning of each cycle.

In year 9, 10 and 11, students have written homework books for each of their subjects. This homework is often targeted consolidation tasks on key content that students must master for their GCSEs. Each subject specific homework book will be checked over the course of week on an agreed date. Please support your son/daughter to ensure their written homework books are brought in on the correct day. Thank you in advance.

Students have one book per cycle to complete their subject specific written homework. There will be a range of reading and writing activities that are aimed at improving their literacy skills at the same time as building their knowledge of each subject area. We feel that completing written homework alongside online homework is particularly important in developing study habits that will stand them in good stead as they progress through their academic career.

We feel that completing written homework alongside online homework is particularly important in developing study habits that will stand them in good stead as they progress through their academic career.


Revision Mastery Homework

Each Wednesday, your child will complete a 30-minute revision mastery homework, contained within their Revision Mastery book. The purpose of this book is to teach your child how to revise. This is a process that we start at the beginning of Year 7 and will continue to support your child in preparing for their end of cycle assessments, GCSEs and A-levels. Over the course of this year, your child will learn how to revise using the following methods:

  • Read, cover, write, check
  • Mind maps
  • Flashcards

The ability to revise effectively is probably the most important skill we can teach your child and it is vital that they complete these revision tasks to the very best of their ability.


Sparx Maths

Sparx is a platform that is proven to boost maths skills through online tasks that are carefully sequenced to our maths curriculum.

Please email any queries to 

Years 7-10:
Sparx Maths commences (homework starts) Wednesday
On-track deadline Monday 8.20am, 75% completed
Deadline Tuesday 8.20am, 100% completed
How to log in Students logon on using their username and password, or sign in with Google
Questions? If your child is struggling on a particular task, they should watch the associated video on Sparx, contact their Maths teacher for help, or attend the catch-up Sparx sessions during break times on Tuesday. Members of the maths department run the catch-up session to support those students who need support.


Year 11:
Sparx Maths commences (homework starts) Friday
Deadline Thursday 11.25am, 100% completed
How to log in Students logon on using their username and password, or sign in with Google
Questions? If your child is struggling on a particular task, they should watch the associated video on Sparx, contact their Maths teacher for help, or attend the catch-up Sparx sessions during break times on Tuesday. Members of the maths department run the catch-up session to support those students who need support.


How to check progress:





Tassomai is an online platform that repeatedly asks multiple choice questions to students to test their knowledge retrieval in many of their subjects. Each cycle’s questions are directly related to our end of cycle assessments and are an important revision tool. Students gain immediate feedback on whether they answered the question correctly. Tassomai will learn the strengths and weaknesses of the student in each subject, asking the more difficult questions on a more regular basis.

Students need to achieve 500 points each week. There is no maximum to gain mastery of their subjects, we would suggest at least 60-75 minutes of quizzing per week, which could lead to 2000 points per week, and support their knowledge required for future assessments.

Students will have a Knowledge Organiser in one of their homework books (please see above) for each subject which can be used to support searching for information to help answer questions they might not know. Additionally, Tassomai gives hints on some questions where a student may have struggled.

Students will gain bonus points for completing ‘streaks’ on Tassomai, and once a Daily Goal has been reached (67 points), there will be bonus goals to encourage students to complete 100 points for a five day stretch each week (Saturday-Wednesday).

Please email any queries to 

Years 7 - 10:
Tassomai commences (count starts) Saturday
On-track deadline Wednesday 8.20am, 300 points
Deadline Thursday 8.20am, 500 points
How to log in Students logon on using their Torquay Academy email address and password
Questions? Please email any queries to


Year 11:
Tassomai commences (count starts) Saturday
Deadline Thursday 11.25am, 500 points although we do encourage students to gain 1000 points each week
How to log in Students logon on using their Torquay Academy email address and password
Questions? Please email any queries to


How to Check Progress

Sparx Reader

Sparx Reader helps every student to achieve regular independent reading, which is incredibly important for building vital literacy skills.

Your child’s homework will be set on Friday at 4.15pm and due on Friday at 8.20am every week.

Students can choose from a range of ebooks at their appropriate level and as they read, they’ll answer questions to check they’re reading carefully. As they read, they answer questions and earn Sparx Reader Points (SRP) for reading carefully. These points will complete their homework task.

Motivated readers who demonstrate consistent, careful reading can unlock Gold Reader. This means they can read any paper book from the library or from home by scanning in its barcode.

Years 7 & 8:
Sparx Reader commences Friday 4.15pm
On-track deadline Wednesday 8.20am, 150 points
Deadline Friday 8.20am, 300 points
How to log in Students log in on using the one click Google link
Questions? If your child is struggling on a particular task, they should contact their English teacher, Mr Dickin or Miss Rowan to help. Your child will need to complete 300 Sparx Reader points by 8.20am on Friday.