Torquay Academy

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Crafting with Nature

What it is:

The Crafting with Nature Club is a green-fingered haven where students unleash their creativity using the wonders of the natural world. From crafting with leaves and twigs to creating beautiful floral arrangements, students connect with nature while developing artistic skills. It's a chance to explore the outdoors, learn about sustainability, and create unique and eco-friendly masterpieces.

The benefits of joining:

This initiative not only fosters creativity and artistic expression but also promotes environmental awareness among secondary age children. By engaging with natural materials, students develop essential skills such as teamwork and problem-solving, while simultaneously enhancing their connection to the environment. The crafting with nature club provides a unique opportunity for children to unwind and express themselves in a supportive setting, making it an invaluable addition to their educational experience.

Who it is for:

Year 7 and 8

When it is:

Thursday 3:15-4:15pm

Where it is:


Staff contact:

Miss Spiller